
In and On their Own Terms

A film exploring some of the thoughts and insights of boys and young men with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

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Living With DMD and Decision-Making

Seeing the Patient

Shame and stigma can cloud medical appointments for some patients; a video presentation highlighting issues in the lives of those with hepatitis C. This is an accompanying piece to the upcoming film In Spate.

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The Unseen Life Drawn Out, in a nutshell

The Unseen Life Drawn Out

Video presentation highlighting the lived experience of having hepatitis C, an accompanying piece to the upcoming film In Spate.

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Animated Social Research

A presentation for the North West Medcial Sociology group on the 10th December 2020.

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Animating the illness experience

A presentation for the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University on Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement given on 12/11/2020

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Beyond the clinical encounter

A presentation given at the Northern Network of Medical Humanities Research. 23/01/2020

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