The Unseen Life Drawn Out, in a nutshell

An abridged version of a video presentation highlighting the lived experience of having hepatitis C: The Unseen Life Drawn Out


Sarah Skyrme: Hepatitis C is a type of liver disease, often diagnosed at a late stage, causing fatigue, jaundice, liver complications and even death.

Due to the association with needle sharing it’s a stigmatised condition, making it hard for patients to speak up, and a sense of despair, anxiety and uncertainty often go unmentioned at medical appointments, yet they are a part of this illness experience.

Since 2018 most UK patients can access life changing anti-virals through the NHS, but prior to this, their expense meant only the sickest were given them, meaning many became even more ill. Some patients chose to import their drugs through a Buyers Club, which can feel risky as they must act without their doctor’s help.

Through speaking up I hope to highlight these experiences of inequity and the need for support and understanding.

[Credits card:

a presentation by
Dr Sarah Skyrme
Animation by
Jeremy Richard]